
Avicanna receives approval to export hemp seeds

07 May 2020 16:20 (EDT)
Avicanna Inc - CEO, Aras Azadian

Source: Small Cap Power

Avicanna (TSX:AVCN) subsidiary, Santa Marta Golden Hemp (SMGH) has gained Colombian governmental approval to export hemp seeds to the US.

SMGH achieved the approval with the support of ICA, the Colombian Institute of Agriculture. There was also significant help and coordination from the Ministries of Agriculture and Justice for Colombia.

The company’s export will be the first ever export of cannabis seeds from Colombia to the United States.

Director General of the Colombian Institute of Agriculture, Deyanira Barrero León, explained the significance of the approval.

 “The ICA has given the technical support and reviewed the necessary information to materialize this first exportation. We are opening these new opportunities for this industry, in which there is a significant business expectation,” she said. 

Avicanna’s President of Latin American operations, Lucas Nosiglia, said the cannabis industry in Colombia has faced great challenges in establishing and standardizing its regulatory processes. 

“For this reason, in the particular case of this export, the advice of ICA and the support of the Ministries of Agriculture and Justice have been pivotal factors in allowing us to harvest in the times demanded by the client in the United States.

“This export is the faithful proof that the cannabis sector is in a position to support the socio-economic revival that the country requires in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.

The first industrial export of hemp seeds from Colombia to the US should be complete within the next two weeks.

Avicanna is up 3.89 per cent, and is trading for $1.87 per share, as of 2:34pm EDT.

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