
CO2 GRO completes installation of 15 CO2 Delivery Solutions units

06 April 2020 15:38 (EDT)

CO2 GRO (TSXV:GROW) has announced the successful installation of its technology at 15 greenhouses in Missouri, USA.

The company’s CO2 Delivery Solutions technology dissolves CO2 gas into water. This process creates an aqueous CO2 solution which is then misted directly onto the plant leaves. In previous studies, this has improved crop yields and growth rate by up to 30 per cent.

The technology has the potential for numerous varied applications. CO2 GRO has already demonstrated the systems on cannabis, lettuce, kale, microgreens, and flower crops.

The demonstration program was first floated in an announcement from February 12 this year. Linn County Seed & Flower Co-op and Sacred Seeds Hemp Farms LLC agreed to install the technology at their hemp greenhouses.

With the installation phase complete, the CO2 Delivery Solutions units will undergo evaluation over the course of one harvest cycle.

The CO2 misting will be consistently applied to the hemp crops, from a vegetative state through to harvesting. Upon completion of the demonstration, the greenhouse owners will have the option to purchase the installed systems.

Levi Swanson, CEO of Linn County Seed & Flower, said that the results so far have impressed him.

“There are another nine greenhouses at Linn County which have expressed interest in installing CO2 Delivery Solutions for their next grow cycle, after seeing the resulting growth firsthand.

“The state of Missouri is positioning itself as a leader in high-quality hemp production. We see ourselves as a leader in driving the growth of hemp cultivation in the state,” he added.

Rather than performing the installation in-house, CO2 GRO sub-contracted the task to a local contractor. The contractor had already been working closely with Linn County and Sacred Seeds.

The company says that this is a crucial factor in its operations strategy, enabling a quicker and more effective response to large orders. It also offers an effective solution to COVID-19 impacts, which have effected CO2 GRO’s ability to travel to customers.

CO2 GRO (GROW) is currently up 4.55 per cent to C$0.12 per share at 3:19pm EST.

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