
E-Tech Resources (TSXV:REE) defines large-scale, well-defined, drill-ready target at Eureka

Market News, Mining
19 April 2023 09:03 (EDT)

Source: E-Tech-Resources Inc.

E-Tech Resources (REE) reported soil sample results from its Eureka Rare Earths project in Namibia.

The results came from drill target T09, located 800 metres north from Zone 1. The Eureka T09 soil sampling program has resulted in the delineation of a large-scale, well-defined, drill-ready rare earth element (REE) target, the “Adder target”.

The Adder target is 450 metres long and 250 metred wide and is coincident with anomalous Thorium (Th) radiometric response. Thorium is used as an effective exploration targeting tool due to its association with the REE-bearing monazite mineralization found at Eureka.

Source: E-Tech Resources Inc.

A soil survey on the target found 72 per cent of all points analyzed returned anomalous grades of more than 500 ppm (0.05 per cent) total rare earth oxides (TREO) in soil, with the highest returning 0.32 per cent TREO in soil. The anomalous concentrations of REE found in the soil were consistent with the discovery of mineralized rock chip grab samples.

Using this type of soil survey can enable the field team to identify target areas with anomalous REE to further delineate drill targets.

CEO Jim Megann said the previous drilling program in Zones 1 to 4 had yielded promising results, with a number of intercepts demonstrating significant mineralization.

“The outreach soil samples we are reporting here are located 800 m north of Zone 1 and indicate that our outreach program is identifying new areas for exploration. Moreover, we have identified numerous targets and are awaiting assay results that may confirm that they are as promising as Zones 1-4. This ongoing validation further supports our belief that the Eureka Dome may have several mineral-rich targets. As we continue to interpret the Dome’s structure, we hope to identify even more drilling targets in the near future.’”

E-Tech Resources (REE) is a rare earth element development company that owns the Eureka project in Namibia.

E-Tech Resources Inc. (REE) opened trading at C$0.10 per share.

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