
Emperor Metals (CSE:AUOZ) receives drill permit for the Duquesne West Gold Project

Market News, Mining
29 March 2023 09:30 (EDT)

Source: Emperor Metals Inc.

Emperor Metals (AUOZ) has received a forestry permit to start drilling program at the Duquesne West high-grade gold project.

This was required for the initial 12 drill pads for its fully funded 8,000-10,000 metre drilling in the Duparquet Mining District in Québec.

The program will begin with one drill with the possibility of adding another drill if needed. The anticipated start date is the first half of May 2023.

The permitting came from the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec.

“This permit allows us to solidify our upcoming drilling plans with our contractors and set commencement dates,” said CEO, John Florek. “We are excited to begin the process of resource expansion on this high-grade gold deposit. The new A.I. Model illuminated the blue-sky potential for exploration targets; drilling along the margins of a high-grade gold deposit significantly reduces the risk for our exploration program to add to our ounces.”

The Duquesne West Gold Property lies within the historic Duparquet gold mining camp in the southern portion of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt in the Superior Province. The property hosts a historical inferred mineral resource estimate of 727,000 ounces of gold at a grade of 5.42 g/t Au.

Emperor Metals (AUOZ) is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on developing high-quality gold properties situated in the Canadian Shield.

Emperor Metals Inc. (AUOZ) opened trading at $0.15 per share.

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