• EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies (TSXV:EHT) is contributing to a project that will build hospital units for COVID-19 patients
  • The company’s partner, Axia Materials, has united with other Korean companies to design Rapid Deployable Modular Hospital Units 
  • EnerDynamic will provide its ENERTEC solar panels for the roofs of the units, providing them with green energy
  • EHT’s share price remains unchanged, and is currently trading at 2.5 cents per share

EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies (TSXV:EHT) is playing its part in a project to build hospital units for COVID-19 patients.

The renewable energy company has a partnership with the Korean business, AXIA Materials. AXIA has recently joined together with a number of other prominent Korean companies, to form a new enterprise called DYMAXON Inc. 

DYMAXON will design Rapid Deployable Modular Hospital Units for COVID-19 patients, called Model-H units. The units, which are essentially demountable medical facilities, will come in various sizes, and provide varying degrees of care.

The Model-H units will come with isolation rooms, negative pressure rooms, and all necessary support systems for acute hospital care. As a result of the composite material technology DYMAXON will use, units will have airtight sealing and antibacterial and chemical resistance.

As each Model-H unit is portable, relocatable, and reusable, they will be applicable for other uses after the COVID-19 crisis finally subsides. The units can later be used as affordable housing, hotels, or schools. 

EnerDynamic’s role in this endeavour will be to supply its ENERTEC solar panels, which will go on the roof of each Model-H units. The solar panels will provide the units with green energy, in order to continue addressing sustainability concerns during the pandemic. 

EnerDynamic’s CEO, John Gamble, said that the company was pleased to supply ENERTEC panels to the relief effort.

“These are trying times, and we need to do everything we can to put this insidious COVID-19 virus behind us,” he said.

DYMAXON plans to have the first of the Model-H units up and running in Korea within the next two weeks. The company will continue to roll out more units across the globe thereafter. 

EHT’s share price remains unchanged, and is currently trading at 2.5 cents per share, as of 9:44am EST.

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