
G7 capital police force acquires KWESST’s (TSXV:KWE) Overwatch Commander System

Defence, Market News, Technology
24 March 2023 09:01 (EDT)

Source: KWESST Micro Systems Inc.

Source: KWESST.

KWESST Micro Systems (KWE) announced that a G7 capital police force has adopted its new Overwatch Commander system.

The Overwatch Commander system incorporates a small video camera mounted on any commercial scope or other observation device connected to KWESST’s sensor-software module, pre-loaded with satellite, street, and topographic maps. The module transmits the video over cell networks to any wireless smart device – phone, tablet, or desktop– whether stationary or mobile. The unit comes is integrated into the Tactical Awareness Kit operating system.

KWESST’s Executive Chairman, David Luxton, stated that with this system, incident commanders can now see what’s happening at the “front lines” for themselves and securely share this first-hand view instantly with others who need to know.

“Apart from the modest financial value of this first system, we believe its strategic significance is that it could lead to broad adoption by police and public safety agencies everywhere who have this common gap in managing critical incidents.”

Delivery is expected this summer.

KWESST Micro Systems Inc. develops and commercializes tactical systems that meet the requirements of security forces and personal defence for overmatch capability against adversaries.

KWESST Micro Systems Inc. (KWE) opened trading at C$3.20 per share.

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