
Hillcrest Petroleum reports pleasing oil production rates at West Hazel

31 January 2020 04:39 (EDT)

Oil and gas company Hillcrest Petroleum (HRH) has announced positive results from the company’s operations at West Hazel.

Since Hillcrest brought all four wells on the Hazel West property back online, the company has seen six full months of production.

For the last half-year, the oilfield’s wells and reservoirs have demonstrated a strong and consistent fluid flow capacity.

Hillcrest first reached the milestone of 150 barrels of oil produced per day in September 2019.

Recent daily production has reached as high as 200 barrels of oil a day. However, the average oil rate for the last 6 months has been closer to 115 barrels of oil per day.

This is in spite of a reduction in total fluid production at one of the wells. The company made the reduction in order to minimise sand influx and other operational issues.

Hillcrest CEO, Don Currie, expressed the company’s satisfaction with the West Hazel project. “We are pleased with how the field has performed well, and have gained valuable insight into how best to optimise production from the wells.”

“The production revenue has created a floor for Hillcrest to work from, and we continue to work to improve the company balance sheet and shareholder value.”

Hillcrest’s share price remains unchanged, with shares trading at $0.04 apiece.

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