
IBI Group and Internet of Things safeguard winter roads

28 May 2020 12:29 (EDT)
IBI Group Inc - CEO, Scott Stewart

Source: PlaceTech

IBI Group (TSX:IBG) and Internet of Things (TSXV:ITT) are collaborating to develop a winter road management platform.

An Internet of Things subsidiary, Weather Telematics, is a data science company, which develops artificial intelligence and sensor technology. 

The company provides predictive weather data to industries including government, insurance, agriculture, public safety, fleet management, and outdoor sporting events. 

IBI Group and Weather Telematics are developing the Winter Ice and Snow Decision Support System for Operations Management platform. 

The platform is a resource management and decision support tool to help enable swift, effective responses to winter road conditions.

The platform will provide a range of tools and resources, such as automated selection of procedures and vehicle routes.

The platform will also deploy sensors on select vehicles to obtain data about road conditions. 

Finally, the platform will provide real-time traffic information and AI-based predictions about road conditions. This data will be used to efficiently direct snowplows to designated areas, and to plan for impending weather events.

IBI Group’s Global Director of Intelligence, Derek Sims, said the company is excited to be partnering with Weather Telematics.

“We believe the platform holds great promise in its ability to help governments better manage their winter snow and ice road clearing operations, and to lower their use of salt products without negatively impacting vehicle and pedestrian safety,” he said.

IBI Group and Weather Telematics have partnered with two counties in Ontario, which will pilot the platform in the coming winter. 

IBI Group (IBG) is up 0.67 per cent and is currently trading at C$4.53 per share at 10:33am EDT.

Internet of Things (ITT) is down 7.69 per cent and is currently trading at six cents per share at 10:38am EDT.

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