
Mithril Silver and Gold reports high-grade drill results

Market News, Mining
17 March 2025 10:34 (EDT)

(Source: Mithril Silver and Gold Ltd.)

Mithril Silver and Gold (TSXV:MSG) announced high-grade drill results from its Target 1 resource expansion program at the Copalquin district project. The latest drilling at La Soledad has intercepted multiple high-grade silver-gold veins, potentially enhancing the potential of the Copalquin mining district.

Drill results highlights

Ongoing and future drilling plans

During March 2025, Mithril completed three additional holes at La Soledad, with one more in progress. The company plans to drill two deep holes at El Refugio and at least two holes at Refugio West within the Target 1 resource area. Starting in April 2025, a second drill will commence operations at the highly prospective Target 2 area of El Peru/Las Brujas, while continuing to advance multiple target generation work across the district.

About the Copalquin mining district

The Copalquin mining district, located in Durango State, Mexico, spans 70 km² and includes several dozen historic gold and silver mines and workings. The district lies within the Sierra Madre gold silver trend, known for hosting numerous gold and silver deposits. The presence of multiple mineralisation events, young intrusives, widespread alteration, and extensive surface vein exposures underscores Copalquin’s potential as a major epithermal centre for gold and silver.

“Drilling at La Soledad in the Target 1 resource area continues to intercept multiple high-grade silver-gold veins with grades higher than the average Target 1 mineral resource estimate,” John Skeet, Mithril’s managing director and CEO, commented in a news release. “We are on target to complete 35,000 metres of drilling throughout 2025 to demonstrate our Copalquin district property as a major high-grade silver and gold district in Mexico’s famed Sierra Madre Trend.”

Abut Mithril Silver and Gold

Mithril Silver and Gold Ltd. is a precious metals exploration company. It is focused on developing high-grade silver and gold projects in Mexico’s Sierra Madre gold silver trend.

Mithril Silver and Gold stock (TSXV:MSG) last traded at $0.35 and was up 25 per cent last week, though down 20.45 per cent since this time last year.

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(Top image via Mithril Silver and Gold Ltd.)

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