
RIWI Corp. (TSXV:RIWI) launches real-time China economic and political data feeds

Market News, Technology
06 April 2023 09:18 (EDT)

Source: RIWI Corp.

RIWI Corp. (RIWI) has launched a new subscription data package with all of its real-time China economic and political data feeds.

RIWI China Data Feeds includes views on government policies, views on other countries, consumer spending, brand sentiment, travel intentions, and views on the China-Taiwan conflict. It also includes a range of politically sensitive questions, for which RIWI employs heightened security procedures.

Since 2018, RIWI has been collecting a suite of continuous, unique, reliable data series in China, across a range of geopolitical, political, and economic topics.

The data is gathered using RIWI’s web-intercept technologies for a broad reach far beyond paid, habitual survey takers. This method intercepts hundreds of thousands of dynamic source points.

RIWI Vice President, Economics and Global Affairs, Danielle Goldfarb, stated that after China’s abrupt zero-COVID reversal in December, RIWI’s China data feeds challenged conventional wisdom, and have now been confirmed correct.

“The consensus was that China’s post zero-COVID reopening would represent a dramatic economic boost. But clients looking at the real-time RIWI China data saw that the boost would not be as dramatic. Lagged data is now confirming the conventional wisdom was wrong and the RIWI signal was correct.”

RIWI is a global trend-tracking and prediction technology firm which offers its clients tracking surveys, continuous risk monitoring, predictive analytics, and ad tracking worldwide.

RIWI Corp. (RIWI) opened trading at $0.48.

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