
Why invest?

Investor Series, Market News, The Expert Exchange
22 May 2024 04:00 (EDT)

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According to the Toronto Dominion Finder Report in 2021 about one in three Canadians are invested in the stock market. In 2023, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and the Canadian Financial Institute found that Canada has the highest rate of Gen Z investors, with nearly 74 per cent reporting they have at least one type of investment.

In the above video we talk with executive director of FAIR Canada, Jean-Paul Bureaud. He is also a lawyer and a former member of the executive management team at the Ontario Securities Commission, where he served more than 20 years in a policy-making role.

We cover the “why” behind investing and look at whether investing is more of a necessity in our current economy than a “nice to do.”

Jean-Paul Bureaud, FAIR Canada executive director

Bureaud is the executive director, president and CEO of FAIR Canada. Before joining FAIR Canada, he was a financial sector expert at the World Bank Group assisting countries to enhance their securities regulatory regimes. He is a former member of the executive management team at the Ontario Securities Commission. He began his legal career at a national law firm advising clients on securities law matters.

FAIR Canada

FAIR Canada champions the rights of individual investors in Canada through advocacy, education and regulatory advancements. It is an independent voice on significant issues that affect individual investors. As Canada’s only non-profit, investor-focused organization, FAIR Canada provides informed, objective comment on regulatory issues that have an impact on investor fairness and protection.

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