Source: CEMATRIX Corporation
  • CEMATRIX Corporation’s (CVX) wholly-owned subsidiaries have executed $3.9 million in new contracts
  • Subsidiaries include CEMATRIX (Canada) Inc. (CCI), MixOnSite USA Inc. (MOS) and Pacific International Grout Company (PIGCO) 
  • CEMATRIX’s backlog now totals $87.9 million
  • The balance of the new contracts are for projects are scheduled to be completed in 2022
  • CEMATRIX manufactures and supplies cellular concrete products across North America
  • CEMATRIX (CVX) opened trading at C$0.21

CEMATRIX Corporation’s (CVX) wholly-owned subsidiaries have executed $3.9 million in new contracts.

CEMATRIX’s backlog now totals $87.9 million. 

“Of the $3.9 million in new contracts, $2.4 million is attributed to an overpass backfill project scheduled to commence in August of this year,” stated Jeff Kendrick, CEMATRIX President and CEO.

“The balance of the new contracts together with the new contracts in process represent new infrastructure projects of various sizes all under $1 million and are from all regions in the United States and Canada. Each of these projects are scheduled to be completed in the current year. Bid activity for infrastructure and tunnel projects throughout North America continues to remain strong and even though supply chain issues have created some short-term delays in some of our projects, our suppliers expect to meet our requirements for the year.”

CEMATRIX manufactures and supplies cellular concrete products across North America.

CEMATRIX (CVX) opened trading at C$0.21.

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