- Juggernaut Exploration (TSXV:JUGR) reported a significant new discovery on its Big One property, with assays revealing up to 79.01 g/t Au (2.54 oz/t Au) and 3157.89 g/t Ag (101.5 oz/t Ag)
- This discovery includes more than 200 gold-silver-copper rich polymetallic veins, some up to 8 metres wide and extending up to 500 metres, which remain open
- These veins were identified along the newly discovered 11 km Highway of Gold surrounding the Eldorado porphyry system
- Juggernaut Exploration stock (TSXV:JUGR) opened trading at $0.055
Juggernaut Exploration (TSXV:JUGR) reported a significant new discovery on its Big One property, with assays revealing up to 79.01 g/t Au (2.54 oz/t Au) and 3157.89 g/t Ag (101.5 oz/t Ag).
This discovery includes more than 200 gold-silver-copper rich polymetallic veins, some up to 8 metres wide and extending up to 500 metres, which remain open. These veins were identified along the newly discovered 11 km Highway of Gold surrounding the Eldorado porphyry system. Additional assays are pending.
In a media release on these results, the Vancouver-based team noted that the discovery is located in a glacial and snowpack abatement area adjacent to the world-class gold-rich porphyry systems at Galore Creek. The Big One property spans 337 square kilometres in the heart of the Golden Triangle, British Columbia, a region known for its world-class geologic terrain and tremendous discovery potential. The property is 100 per cent controlled by the B-ALL Syndicate, a private precious metals project generator in which Juggernaut Exploration is a significant stakeholder.
Whopper vein: Grab samples from a 5-metre-wide quartz-sulphide vein within an 8-metre-wide mineralized shear zone returned 13.12 g/t Au and 169.88 g/t Ag, 10.62 g/t Au and 206.32 g/t Ag, and 6.01 g/t Au and 121.97 g/t Ag. The Whopper vein is exposed on the surface for 100 metres and remains open along strike. The vein’s geochemical and geophysical signatures suggest a porphyry source at depth, making it drill-ready.

Big Mac vein: A grab sample from a quartz-sulphide vein within a 4-metre-wide shear zone containing stringers of semi-massive galena, chalcopyrite, and pyrite assayed 37.98 g/t Au and 70.37 g/t Ag, and 10.61 g/t Au and 3.55 g/t Ag. The Big Mac vein is exposed for 50 metres and remains open. Its geochemical signature and geophysical anomalies at depth indicate a porphyry source, making it drill-ready.
Giant vein: A channel sample across a 1.5-metre quartz vein with semi-massive to massive chalcopyrite and pyrite returned 5.06 g/t Au and 91.41 g/t Ag. The vein extends vertically for 30 metres and remains open within a large gossanous area 100 metres wide. The Giant vein’s geochemical signature and geophysical anomalies at depth suggest a porphyry source, making it drill-ready.
Deluxe vein: A channel sample across a 45 cm vein containing semi-massive galena and pyrite assayed 12.12 g/t Au and 2084.61 g/t Ag, and 3.39 g/t Au and 380.15 g/t Ag. The vein is up to 2 metres wide and has been traced along strike for 150 metres, remaining open. The Deluxe vein’s geophysical anomaly at depth suggests a porphyry source, making it drill-ready.
Double Decker vein: A grab sample from intersecting quartz-sulphide veins up to 50 cm wide and exposed for 60 metres returned 19.82 g/t Au and 216.65 g/t Ag. The veins contain semi-massive galena and pyrite and remain open. The Double Decker vein’s geophysical anomaly at depth suggests a porphyry source, making it drill-ready.
The August 2024 reconnaissance exploration program on the Big One property confirmed the area’s excellent untapped exploration potential. The discovery of the extensive high-grade Eldorado gold-silver-copper system along the 11 km Highway of Gold in newly exposed outcrop around the fringes of snowfields and glaciers is particularly noteworthy.
The Eldorado discovery is bordered by a propylitic alteration halo covering an area of 4 km by 1 km, with porphyry textures in outcrop. Coupled with buried geophysical anomalies and strong geochemical pathfinder element signatures, this strongly indicates the presence of a large mineralizing (porphyry) system at depth, which is believed to be the source of the extensive high-grade mineralization confirmed in veins on the surface over 11 km.
The Big One property, covering 336.93 square kilometres, is largely unexplored. Recent rapid glacial and snowpack abatement has provided an opportunity to explore extensive areas of newly exposed outcrop, offering strong potential for future discoveries.
The Eldorado system is believed to be the source of angular float samples with grades up to 16.9 g/t Au and 49 g/t Ag discovered in the early 1960s. Renowned geologist and glaciation expert Dr. Richard E. Kucera suggested in 1990 that the source was located to the west of the boulder field at an elevation of over 1,432 metres, which was then covered by permanent snow and ice.
Juggernaut Exploration Ltd. is an explorer and generator of precious metals projects in the prolific Golden Triangle of northwestern British Columbia.
Juggernaut Exploration stock (TSXV:JUGR) opened trading at $0.055 and rose more than 33 per cent last week.
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(Top image source: B-ALL Syndicate.)